Attention Canada Customers: Shipping Update
We wanted to give you a service update. Orders have gone out to our Canada customers however there might be delays in service. Carriers are taking precautions during this time to ensure the safety of our health and delivery of packages.
From the USPS site:
Canada Post advises that regular operations have resumed at the processing facility where the Toronto office of exchange is located following disruptions due to COVID-19. Processing delays are still to be expected as Canada Post continues with contingency plans to deal with higher than normal volumes.
Canada Post advises that COVID-19 cases have been confirmed at a processing plant in the Toronto area. The Toronto exchange office continues to operate but with a reduced workforce. Disruption to normal operations and reduced processing capacity and clearance within customs operations are to be expected. Also, with further staff shortages, expect delays in processing and delivery of both inbound and outbound mail items.
Canada Post advises that it continues to experience significant disruptions to its activities because of exceptional precautionary measures implemented to protect the health and safety of its employees and Canadians, as well as persistent challenges relating to availability of transport links. Canada is experiencing a second wave of COVID-19 and all provinces remain in a state of emergency. A previously declared force majeure situation for all international letter-post, parcel-post and express mail service items will remain in effect until further notice.
Canada Post continues to follow the guidance and safety recommendations issued by the Public Health Agency of Canada, including physical distancing and self-quarantine for affected individuals. These measures have resulted in delays in mail processing, unprecedented levels of absenteeism among operational staff, and temporary facility closures due to COVID-19 outbreaks. It has not been possible to ensure on-time delivery since March 18 and this guarantee remains suspended until further notice.
Refer to the Canada Post website for more information.